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David Newman
Webinar Visuals That Sell
David Newman is a Certified Speaking Professional and member of the National Speakers Association Million Dollar Speaker Group. He is the author of the business bestseller “Do It! Marketing” and “Do It! Speaking: 77 Instant-Action Ideas to Market, Monetize, and Maximize Your Expertise” (HarperCollins, 2020.)

Danny Iny
How to Create Webinar Content That Sells Your Courses
Danny Iny is a leading voice in the world of online courses. He has been featured or contributed to publications including the Harvard Business Review, Entrepreneur, Inc., Forbes, and Business Insider, has spoken at places like Yale University and Google, and is the author of books including Teach Your Gift, Effortless, and Online Courses.

Lou Bortone
Beyond Zoom: 5 Cool Tools to Take Your Webinar to the Next Level
Lou Bortone has been a pioneer and thought leader in the video space since the launch of YouTube in 2005. He’s helped thousands of entrepreneurs and companies create and leverage online video to build their brands and dramatically grow their revenues.

Lisa Bloom
How to Create Stories That Sell on Your Webinars
Lisa Bloom, founder of Story Coach, works with organizations developing Transformational Story Leaders, creative yet resilient cultures, and leading powerful change processes with the power of storytelling.

Tom Poland
Using Other People’s Networks (OPN) to Fill Your Webinars
Tom Poland is the best selling author of Marketing WIth Webinars and has 37 years of marketing experience.
Tom has started, managed and sold multiple businesses over four decades including teams of over 100 and revenue of more than twenty million dollars.

Michael Zipursky
How Consultants Use Webinars To Gain Clients
Michael Zipursky is the CEO of Consulting Success® where they specialize in helping entrepreneurial consultants grow profitable, scalable and strategic consulting businesses. He has advised organizations like Financial Times, Dow Jones, RBC, and helped Panasonic launch new products into global markets, but more importantly, he’s helped over 500 consultants from around the world in over 75 industries add 6 and 7 figures to their annual revenues.

Brynne Tillman
How to Fill Your Webinars Using Your LinkedIn Connections
Brynne Tillman is the LinkedIn Whisperer and CEO of Social Sales Link. For over a decade she has been teaching Entrepreneurs, sales teams and business leaders how to leverage LinkedIn for social selling.

Live Session With Jon Schumacher
How to Craft a Presentation Script That Converts
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Simon Bowen
How to Use Visual Models in Webinars to Increase Conversion
People make up their minds fast ... either for or against you. From that point on, you are either getting out of their way or changing their mind.
Simon Bowen has created a transformational approach to shaping the thinking of your team and your customers towards your big idea.

Liam Austin
How to Host Online Summits That Sell
Liam Austin is the co-founder of Entrepreneurs HQ and a virtual event strategist, having launched over 15 virtual summits and many smaller online events, hosting over 400 speakers whilst educating 100,000+ business owners through his programs.

Wendy Weiss
How to 2x Your Webinar Appointments by Using Your Phone
Wendy Weiss is known as The Queen of Cold Calling™. She is an author, speaker, sales trainer, and sales coach and is recognized as one of the leading authorities on lead generation, cold calling and new business development. Clients typically 3X the number of qualified appointments they can schedule with a corresponding increase in sales revenue and a shortening of the sales cycle.

Laura Posey
Planning For Success: Where Webinars Fit Into Your Larger Plan
Laura Posey is an internationally - recognized speaker, author and consultant.
She is known as The Simple Planning Specialist for her unique ability to simply and easily laser focus her clients to get dramatic results.
Her Simple Strategic Plan is used by over 30 00 companies from startups to Fortune 100.

Milana Leshinsky
How to Use Webinars to Sell Coaching
Milana is an entrepreneur, business strategist, and a marketing mentor to coaches, authors, and speakers. She is the author of two books, “Coaching Millions” and “Simplicity Entrepreneurship", and the creator of telesummit. She is also the creator of Coaching Genie, a coaching platform that allows you to deliver coaching programs and scale your business with simplicity.

John Livesay
Turning Boring Case Studies Into Compelling Case Stories
John Livesay, aka The Pitch Whisperer, is a sales keynote speaker where he shows companies’ sales teams how to turn mundane case studies into compelling case stories so they win more new business. From John’s award winning career at Conde Nast, he shares the lessons he learned that turns sales teams into revenue rock stars. His TEDx talk: Be The Lifeguard of your own life has over 1,000,000 views.

Josh Turner
"Automated Personal Emails" to Increase Webinar Attendance
I’m Josh Turner, a Wall Street Journal bestselling author and founder of Connect365. We exist to help B2B or service-based businesses like yours get more leads and clients, and we work with businesses from small and medium sized all the way up to fortune 500 companies.
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Ellen Finkelstein
How to Find the Perfect Images for Your Slides
Ellen Finkelstein teaches experts who want to get their knowledge out to the world, how to reach more people with profitable online, information products and courses.
With over 20 years online, Ellen has created websites with high search engine rankings and over 300.000 visitors per month, over 22,000 subscribers and many followers on social media.

Abe Crystal
Making Your Online Courses More Transformative Using Webinars
Abe Crystal, Ph.D. is co-founder and CEO of Ruzuku, an easy-to-use online course platform for entrepreneurs, authors, coaches, and small businesses. Ruzuku has hosted more than 75,000 courses serving over half a million students around the world. Abe specializes in learning design and user experience research, and earned his Ph.D. in human-computer interaction at UNC-Chapel Hill. He is an adjunct professor in the School of Education at UNC-Chapel Hill, where he teaches seminars on educational innovation.

Paul O’Mahony
How I Added $10M to Our Bottom Line Using Webinars in 2020
Paul O’Mahony is an Entrepreneur, four times best-selling author and international speaker specializing in money, mindset and marketing.
He has regularly graced the stage with the likes of Richard Branson, Robert Kiyosaki, Tony Robbins and Deepak Chopra. His “RETHINK! Academy” brand focuses on “empowering people to rethink and create an extraordinary life” for anyone from 7 to 107 years young!

Eric Lofholm
7 Ways to Make Your Presentation More Persuasive
Eric has taught his proven sales systems to thousands of professionals around the world. He is President and CEO of Eric Lofholm International, Inc., an organization he founded to professionally train people on the art and science of selling.

Kendra Lee
How to Generate High-Dollar B2B Leads From Your Webinar
Despite starting her sales career in accounting, failing IBM’s entry level sales exam and being told she couldn’t sell without an engineering background, Kendra Lee entered sales and proved those nay-sayers wrong. She turned her knowledge of numbers into a lead generation approach that propelled her to the top 1% of sales professionals for each company where she sold. Author of The Sales Magnet and founder of KLA Group, her company guides small and medium companies to get more customers.

Darnyelle Harmon
How to Sell 12k to 36k Programs Using Just Your Webinar
Darnyelle is the award-winning business growth speaker and strategist of Incredible One Enterprises, LLC, a multi-million-dollar coaching and consulting brand. Best known for transforming the lives of her business coaching clients and live event attendees, Darnyelle equips her clients to leverage and scale businesses that serve them financially and spiritually. By combining mindset, messaging and marketing with sales, systems and scale, Darnyelle can take you from six figure years to six figure months in record time all while deepening your connection to God and strengthening your faith.

Live Session with Jon Schumacher
How to Fill Your Virtual Events Using Promotional Partners
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Holly Chantal
How I’m Using Webinars to Make $20k-$40k per Month
For the last 12 years Holly Chantal has been helping visionary coaches and service professionals bring their brand, business model, and marketing systems into alignment with their next stage of growth. In the last 4 months she has brought in as much revenue as all of last year using webinars.

Dannella Burnett
6 Steps to Structure a Profitable and Impactful Virtual Event
Dannella Burnett is the owner of Encore Elite Events & Speakers Need To Speak, She’s a creative force with a passion for connecting experts to those they serve through speaking & amp; events while generating profitable and impactful visibility!
Through her connections, millions of dollars have been generated and tens of thousands of lives impacted through speaking and live events!

Anke Herrmann
Taming the Webinar Tech Monster
Business Coach, Tech Mentor, Integrator, Author of Taming the Tech Monster, Podcast Host. Proudly Owned by 3 dogs.
In 2004 she quit her software developer job in the UK to start her own sewing business in Spain.
Today she offers her unique MIX of compassionate coach, patient teacher, free-spirited creative mind and experienced software developer, to help professional coaches with a big vision create tech systems that offer headspace and the capacity to accelerate business growth.

Ari Galper
How to Convert More Webinar Registrants, From Your Sales Calls
Ari Galper has been on a mission for the last decade to change the world through trust, starting with the sales and business world.
Through his sold-out talks all over the world, Ari has become the global ambassador to businesses and corporations both in Australia and all over the world. He regularly connects with global business icons and leaders of industries seeking his counsel on how to infuse trust in their organisations and across their sales teams.

Alina Vincent
How to Use 5-Day Challenges to Increase Webinar Conversions
Alina is gifted in her ability to quickly synthesize and simplify complex ideas into actionable, logical, results-generating steps without overwhelm. Clients quickly accelerate their social media traffic, quality lead generation and sales. They also gain time-saving recommendations to systematize program delivery and marketing automation to achieve client satisfaction and fuel an ongoing flow of quality new client referrals.

Melanie Benson
How to Build Your Webinar Promotional List with Podcast Guesting
Melanie Benson, host of the Amplify Your Success Podcast, is the Expert-preneur’s Authority Amplifier. For over 20 years, online business owners, course creators, speakers and service professionals have used her proven strategies to STAND OUT in a crowded market, create a magnetic message that generates a flood of ideal leads and exponentially increase revenues by leveraging their Unique Profit Amplifier.

Dan LeFave
How to Plan, Organize and Design Your Webinar for Success
Dan received life’s second chance when he survived a severe car accident that took three lives. He’s struggled through brain injuries, business failures, heartbreaks, running marathons and daily fights with fear and doubt.
He is the #1 Best-selling Author of Living the Life of Your Dreams - How To Stop Working Insane Hours And Start Living An Awesome Life helping businesses grow 7 and 8-figure revenues.
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Jeff Cobb
How to Sell Sponsorships for Your Webinar
Jeff Cobb is a seasoned entrepreneur with more than two decades of experience in the online education business. After successfully launching, growing, and selling his own learning management system and online course business, he went on to co-found Tagoras, the parent company of Learning Revolution, where he helps organizations and entrepreneurs maximize the reach, revenue, and impact of their learning businesses.

Virginia Muzquiz
How to Build a Network of Promoters for Your Webinars
Virginia Muzquiz, The Referral Diva®, Founder and Chief Connection Officer at Master Connectors, Inc. has more than 2 decades of experience generating business by referral, Virginia has been teaching entrepreneurs and small business owners the art and science of filling their sales funnels with high quality , on-demand referrals. She calls her process Referral Alchemy and when fully implemented, it can quite literally infuse tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of dollars into your business without a single dollar in ad spend.

Rob Goyette
How to Sell Courses Using a Simple 26 Minute Automated Webinar
Rob Goyette has been supporting leaders in the coaching space since 2007, especially with automated webinars. He is the creator of the celebrated 26-minute automated webinar which participants love due to the short format and 24/7 availability of the presentation. Rob has sold over $600K of a $997 course with his main automated webinar. In this interview with Jon, Rob will show you how you can help people say YES to your offers in just 26 minutes.

Jayne Warrilow
How to Craft a Beautiful Presentation in Under 30 Minutes
Jayne Warrilow is a global speaker, bestselling author and sought after Business/Executive Coach. She is the founder of two companies: Coaches Business School, helping coaches to fulfill their potential by building their business in a way that is purpose-driven and profitable, so they can make a meaningful difference in our world #TransitionTeam. And Sacred Changemakers, a podcast and community bringing together people who want to make a bigger impact using the SDGs.

Michelle Nedelec
How to Craft a Call to Action That Sells on Your Webinar
International bestselling author, Michelle Nedelec is an expert in Entrepreneurialism and the founder of Awareness Strategies. She’s run her own series of companies for over 22 years and for over 15 years has been helping Sales reps, Entrepreneurs, and Executives to continually double their profits and revenues. She not only has what it takes to help her clients build a million-dollar business, but she does it time and time again. Michelle particularly loves to talk about Marketing Automation, Systems Integration, and support both on and off of the stage.

Victor Vento
How to Fill Your Webinar with Facebook Ads in 2021
Our next speaker has been sought after by multi 7-Figure Companies as their go-to for filling the room with the right people and has created returns as high as 3,221%.
He has mentored some of the biggest Direct Response marketers of all time including Frank Kern, Dean Jackson, Nicholas Kusmich…

Tom Gaddis
How to Use Facebook Live to Build Your Community and Drive Sales
Tom is the co-founder of Offline Sharks and host of the What’s the Secret Podcast. He is a two comma club award winner for generating more than $1M through a sales funnel and he’s built a Facebook group community of over 10,000 buyers.
Tom always wanted to be self-employed and free from the butt-smooching of the corporate world. He wanted success badly enough that he struck out to follow the entrepreneur dream.

Live Session with Jon Schumacher